Social Affiliates Mastermind$0
All you need to start building and growing your online business. We use free traffic from social media to sell digital assets to go from 0-$5k. How fast, it's up to you!
To start making money online you need traffic and a product to promote. The best way to change your life is to use a high-ticket product that will pay you $500-$2000 per sale.
All of that is included in this package!
Inside you will receive:
1. SAM - how to use social media to get all the free traffic you need
2. HTA - High Ticket Accelerator recommended product to promote
+ Done For You funnel for high ticket affiliate products
3. 45 minutes Action Call with Kresimir - we will create a daily action plan that is customized to you! (for the next 5 people only!)
You must be asking yourself, why so cheap if this works?
I want you to get to $5k asap, so I can invite you to my private coaching program.
There I will personally work with you. I will teach you advanced methods.
You will be able to double your income. Make much more and work less.
Enjoy your life, do whatever you wanted, spend more time with your family, and leave your 9-5 job.
Contact information
Choose a pricing option
- Preferred optionOne-time payment ($97.00)$97.00
- Preferred optionSplit pay (2x $49.00)2x $49.00
Choose your price
You Don't Want To Miss This Crazy Offer!
Special one-time offer, today only $297!
Ask me anything and I'll give you my answer fast, every day Monday - Friday for 90 days. If you think that my experience of 21 years in affiliate marketing and list building can help you, this is for you!
So, instead of $1491, today you will pay only $297 for these 3 bonus offers!
Payment information
- Total payment
- 1xSocial Affiliates Mastermind$0-+
- AMI + 90 Days Email Coaching$297
- Discount
- Shipping$0
- Sales tax$0
- Total
- Today's payment
- Social Affiliates Mastermind$0
- AMI + 90 Days Email Coaching$297
- Discount
- Shipping$0
- Sales tax$0
- Total
- Future payments
- $0
- Discount$0
- Shipping$0
- Sales tax$0
- Future amount
$0 - Today's payment:
$0 - Today's payment
All prices in USD
60 days refund guarantee, no questions asked!
How To Get Unlimited Leads To Any Of The Program You Want To Promote - Affiliate Product Or Your Own Product Using:
1. Facebook Profile
2. Tik Tok
3. Youtube
4. Instagram
Done For You high ticket affiliate marketing funnel + High Ticket Accelerator
Affiliate Marketing 101
Your First Email List
Free Strategy Call With Kresimir - we will make a strategic plan customized for you on a Zoom call